主要从事可再生能源的开发与应用领域研究,主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省科技厅、江苏省教育厅、中国博士后等科研项目10余项;在《Bioresource Technology》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《Journal of Water Process Engineering》、《中国农业科学》等国内外权威期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者身份发表论文15篇;申请发明专利5件,获授权发明专利3件。
E-Mail: syzheng@jou.edu.cn
1. 碳氮平衡协调莱茵衣藻油脂和叶黄素生物合成的作用机制,国家自然基金青年项目,项目编号:32300321,2024-2026
2. 莱茵衣藻α-亚麻酸合成的生理与分子调控机制研究,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号:BK20191006,2019-2022
3. 莱茵衣藻α-亚麻酸生物合成的调控机制研究,中国博士后科学基金项目,项目编号:2019M652737,2019-2020
4. 经济微藻高效净化紫菜加工废水的关键技术研究,江苏省教育厅高等学校自然科学研究面上项目,项目编号:18KJB170001,2018-2020
5. 小球藻细胞中α-亚麻酸生物合成的调控机制研究,江苏省博士后科研项目,项目编号:2018K051B,2018-2020
1. Shiyan Zheng, Shourui Sun, Shangyun Zou, Jiamei Song, Lan Hua, Hui Chen, Qiang Wang*. Effects of culture temperature and light regimes on biomass and lipid accumulation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under carbon-rich and nitrogen-limited conditions. Bioresource Technology, 2024, 399: 130613.
2. 冯天, 孙守瑞, 宋佳美, 华兰, 郑世燕*, 王强. 高碳低氮条件下培养基磷水平对莱茵衣藻生长及油脂合成的影响. 中国油脂, 2024, 1003(7969): 230674.
3. Shiyan Zheng, AiHua Wu, Hongyan Wang, Lei Chen, Jiamei Song, Huai Zhang, Meiln He, Changhai Wang, Hui Chen, Qiang Wang*. Purification efficiency of Pyropia-processing wastewater and microalgal biomass production by the combination of Chlorella sp. C2 cultivated at different culture temperatures and chitosan. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 373: 128730.
4. Shiyan Zheng, Shanyi Chen, AiHua Wu, Hongyan Wang, Shourui Sun, Meilin He, Changhai Wang, Hui Chen, Qiang Wang*. Efficient nutrient removal of Pyropia-processing wastewater and rapid algal biomass harvesting by Scenedesmus obliquus combined with chitosan. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, 51: 103365.
5. Shiyan Zheng, Shangyun Zou, Tian Feng, Shourui Sun, Xiangxu Guo, Meilin He, Changhai Wang, Hui Chen, Qiang Wang*. Low temperature combined with high inoculum density improves alpha-linolenic acid production and biochemical characteristics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 348: 126746.
6. Shiyan Zheng, Shangyun Zou, Hongyan Wang, Tian Feng, Shourui Sun, Hui Chen, Qiang Wang*. Reducing culture medium nitrogen supply coupled with replenishing carbon nutrient simultaneously enhances the biomass and lipid production of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 1019806.
7. Shiyan Zheng, Shanyi Chen, Shangyun Zou, Yiwen Yan, Guang Gao, Meilin He, Changhai Wang, Hui Chen, Qiang Wang*. Bioremediation of Pyropia-processing wastewater coupled with lipid production using Chlorella sp. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 321: 124428.
8. Shiyan Zheng, Meilin He, Yangsui Sui, Temesgen Gebreluel, Shanmei Zou, Nyabuto Dorothy Kemuma, Changhai Wang*. Kelp waste extracts combined with acetate enhances the biofuel characteristics of Chlorella sorokiniana. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 225: 142-150.
9. Shiyan Zheng, Jie Jiang, Meilin He, Shanmei Zou, Changhai Wang*. Effect of kelp waste extracts on the growth and development of Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.). Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 38683; doi: 10.1038/srep38683.
10. Shiyan Zheng, Meilin He, Jie Jiang, Shanmei Zou, Weinan Yang, Yi Zhang, Jie Deng, Changhai Wang*. Effect of kelp waste extracts on the growth and lipid accumulation of microalgae. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 201: 80-88.
王长海, 何梅琳, 郑世燕, 吴明珠, 邹山梅. 以藻类加工废弃物生产有机海藻肥料的方法及制成的肥料, ZL201410626402.2.
孙颖颖, 郑世燕, 胡志娟, 浦寅芳, 唐倩, 浦清雅. 一种大型海藻中环二肽类抑藻活性化合物的分离纯化方法, ZL2022104503998.
孙颖颖, 郑世燕, 胡志娟, 浦寅芳, 唐倩, 浦清雅. 一种石花菜中类菌孢素氨基酸porphyra-334的分离纯化方法, ZL202210434425.8.